
Twitch chat bot for Sarah Coponat.


command description
!generous all tippers, cheerers, subgifters. Ordered by contribution
!generoustips all tips, chronologically
!ytnew link to the newest youtube video
!ytlink <your search term> link to the youtube video with your search term in the title. Searches Sarah's channel, and the topic about her
!spotifylink <your search term> link to the spotify track with your search term in the title
!streamstats statistics about the stream (# of subs, comments, commenters, raids, …)
!raids thanks all raiding channels
!event countdown to the next event

mod commands

Twitch changed their API, so !raidbot can't use /raid anymore, so it's disabled.

admin commands

command description
!raffle info about an ongoing raffle, or about how to start one
!rafflestart <description of the prize> starts a raffle for a prize. Every viewer can enter once by commenting !raffleenter
!rafflestartmulti <description of the prize> starts a raffle for a prize. Every viewer can enter multiple times with tips, bits, subgifts. Weighted by their contribution
!raffleedit <new description> edit the description of an ongoing raffle
!raffleend ends an ongoing raffle, and announces the winner
!rafflewinner same as !raffleend
